Friday, July 30, 2010

Lets try it again! ... Alex Matkovic

Here's another one now! Of me... Alex Matkovic, and Ashley Greene! this one is from a little while ago.

Hey, If I add Images here of me, Alex Matkovic, will they show up on google images?

well....It's worth a shot....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Peoples, Peoples, Please!

Ok peeps....please leave comments on as many of my posts as possible. Just do it because I'm awesome and thats all that matters. Plus, If you have been on this site, and I know you, and you didn't leave a commont, please at least tell me that you have been on this. I want to know how this screwed up der-da-der of a web site is doing. PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


hen = ben

a story

I'm bored so I'm going to write a story.
here goes.

Once upon a time, there was a hen. He was a very disgruntuled hen, and he did not like summer school. The hen's name rhymed with it's title, but its a very confidential name. One day, the hen was called up by the CIA. The hen has been illegally downloading songs, and he owed the government over 300,000,000 pennies. Unfortunatly, the hen did not have this sort of money on him, so he went to the bank to take out a loan. His credit score went WAY down. One month later, the bank wanted its money back, plus interest. He now owed 400,000,000,000 euroes. The hen was so depressed that he hung himself from the banaster in the hen house that he lived in.



I'm bored in summer school, so I'm posting something.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Disney disaster

I do not have a flash drive with me. I am at the library, and I need to save my report to a place thatI can access easaly from my house. Read it if you want to.

Disney Disaster!
I could not believe that the day had actually come!!! The end of October was already here! Like most kids in the U.S. I should have been excited for Halloween, but unlike most kids in the U.S I was going to Disney World. It would be my second time going to Disney World. The first time I went was at the end of October in Kindergarten. Now, at the end of October in the fifth grade, I was going again!
We always went at the end of October (and probably always will) because October is right in the middle of the school year, and because it’s stating to get cold around that time too. There is also Halloween going on around then, so all of the kids would want to stay home for that. Also, October is the time of the year that a hurricane is most likely to hit Florida. As you can see, we had it all figured out.
Missing Halloween wasn’t exactly a main worry of ours; one year without a certain holiday isn’t that bad. We’d only be missing two days of school for our trip, because we were staying for five days; the weekend (Saturday and Sunday), Monday (which was a day that we did not have school), and Tuesday. Like I said, we had it all figured out.
When we got there on the first day, we were all so tired for the jetlag that we decided to hang out at our hotel for the day. Our hotel was the brand new All Star Resort. It was huge, and had a gift shop that was as big as Brian Middle School!There was also an arcade that my brother and I spent most of that day at. We had a small dinner; we were too excited to eat.
We were too excited to eat breakfast the next morning too, or at least I was. There was a huge buffet that we could have chosen from, but I just wasn’t hungry. I waited patiently for my brother to finish his very nutritious breakfast of buttered pancakes drowned in syrup, and a mug of Mountain Dew/Root Beer/Coke/ any other sugared drink that they had at the counter. I had half of my slurpy, and that’s it (you were able to have unlimited-free drinks of any kind there). We visited MGM Studios that day. We continuously ran from Rocking Roller Coaster, and the Tower of Terror. IT WAS AMAZING!!! I didn’t have lunch that day either.
When we got back to the hotel that day, I guzzled down a mug of Root Beer. I was running in the lobby to the arcade when it happened. Everything blacked out, and I started to fall. Luckily, my dad saw me falling, and caught me. I grunted to him to tell him to bring me to the bathroom. I puked in the stall. It was my first night at Disney World in five years, and I nearly faint. I spent the rest of the night in bed, and I was fine when morning came.
Now, no matter how exciting the vacation is, I always eat breakfast and lunch (well, at least breakfast) before I do anything. It was a great trip, and I look forward to going again.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Time for some touch up continued

7. Most of the comments I get are total nonsense/garbage/rubbage. Don't pay attention to them.

Time for some touch up.

Phew. It sure has been a long time since the last time I have posted. So, I thought that I'd touch up on a few things.

1. The movie links on the side are for pure "slapstick" comedy ONLY! I'm not a little child, and I absolutly do not have a mental aging disorder. The movies are there by request not my own will.

2. I do not hate my braces anymore. We have made a mutual agreement with each other stating that even though we do not like each other, we will try our best to get along.

3. The tings I said in number 2 never really happened.

4. I still do not hate my braces anymore though.

5. This (and most other future posts) was made for comedy (as in ha-ha) so please don't think me poorly for writing this.

6. If you do think me poorly for this than that is your problem.

7. Number 6 was a joke too.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I got braces on. I hate them. What more can I say?